Hoy ♥

Hoy me acordé de tí, de tus palabras guapas, de los mensajes que iluminaban mis soles, día a día. Si recordé nuestras charlas tan íntimas y que podíamos encender las noches y mojar las cobijas de tanto sudor y semén.

Me acordé de tanto amor en un gesto, un roce,una caricia inocente. Pero nada se comparaba al sabor de nuestros cuerpos que quedaba en los labios y corriamos a bebernos con más hambre curva a curva, poro a poro.

Si hoy me acordé de tí, como del día que me dijiste ya no eras para mí, que otro me merecía. Que sabías tú que merecía mi ser.

Han pasado meses y aprendí que dí, más de lo que recibí, que te convertí en un Dios, cuando eras tan humano como yo, ceguera de amor que le dicen, pero tú nunca lo sabrás porque no te quedaste averiguarlo. (Marta Passero-autor)


Today I remembered you, your beautiful words, the messages that illuminated my suns, day by day. If I remembered our talks so intimate and that we could light the nights and wet the covers of so much sweat and semen.

I remembered so much love in one gesture, a touch, an innocent caress. But nothing compared to the taste of our bodies that was left on the lips and we ran to drink with more hunger curve by curve, pore by pore.

If I remembered you today, like the day you told me, you were no longer for me, that someone else deserved me. That you knew that I deserved my being.

Months have passed and I learned that I gave, more than I received, that I made you a God, when you were as human as I was, blindness of love that they tell you, but you will never know because you did not stay to find out. (Marta Passero-author)


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